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  • AI Will Replace Millions of Jobs, but it will Create More Than it Displaces.

AI Will Replace Millions of Jobs, but it will Create More Than it Displaces.

Resisting technological change is futile. It's time to adapt.

Will AI replace human jobs? It’s a hotly debated topic of conversation at the moment.

The answer is… yes, of course. It’s happening daily, and accelerating across a variety of different industries and mediums.

I’ve witnessed it first hand. My father-in-law has already replaced his video editor/creator for his business with Synthesia, and it has saved him an incredible amount of time and money.

In its recent Future of Jobs Report, the World Economic Forum estimated that AI will replace around 85 million jobs by 2025. However, the report also concluded that around 97 million new jobs would be created in the same timeframe due to AI.

The numbers seem pretty arbitrary - but it’s consistent with every technological advancement throughout history.

A century ago most of the world’s population worked on farms. These days, thanks to technological innovation, a small percentage of farmers can output the same yields.

More recently, robotics have replaced factory workers and laborers. But it has led to the creation of a myriad of new jobs: systems development, design and engineering, installation specialists, maintenance, monitoring – the list goes on.

This is how innovation works.

With AI entering an exponential growth curve - the many jobs it will displace will be dwarfed by the jobs it will create.

Below are a few examples of jobs the emergence of AI will help create and/or accelerate:

Prompt Engineers

Prompt engineering refers to the process of designing and creating text-based data prompts for AI models.

Like most processes, the quality of the inputs determines the quality of the outputs. I expect prompt engineering to be one of the fastest growing jobs this decade.

Anthropic recently made waves when it advertised a job opening for a Prompt Engineer and Librarian, with a salary range of $250k — $335k.

AI Engineers

As AI enters a period of hyperbolic growth, the need for professionals who specialize in the development, deployment, and maintenance of artificial intelligence systems will grow rapidly.

Data Scientists

With AI relying heavily on data, demand for professionals who can collect, process, and analyze large amounts of data is expected to increase.

AI-assisted Healthcare Technician

According to PwC, healthcare will be the industry which benefits from AI the most.

AI Specialists / Product Managers

These professionals would specialize in developing, training, and implementing AI systems. As AI technology becomes more integrated into various products, there will be a need for professionals who can manage these AI-powered products.

AI Trainers

As AI systems learn from large amounts of data, professionals may be needed to train these systems to recognize patterns and make decisions based on that data.

Empathy Trainers / Ethical Sourcing Officers

As AI becomes more prevalent, there will be a need for professionals to ensure that the technology is being used ethically and responsibly.

The list goes on, and on… and on. The need for dev/ops, IoT specialists, influencers, evangelists, media, data brokers, etc. will grow fast.

As the AI ecosystem develops, jobs we can’t even think of yet will emerge. Follow me on Twitter or Eluna on Instagram – I’ll make sure you stay updated – and ahead of the curve.